Prepaid PayPal cards obtained through carding

An offer for illegal earnings is available below.

Everything is explained in the video

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without it,
you won't understand anything.
The essence is in the first 20 minutes.
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Buy PayPal cards
that have been funded through carding.

We have cards for any GEO - Europe, America, Asia, and PayPal works worldwide.
You are not causing harm to anyone. All losses are covered by insurance companies. Both the bank and its clients are insured. Moreover, the issuance of currency has long been separated from gold. Money in electronic form is just a digital code issued by any bank.

PayPal Prepaid for Europe.

Mobirise Website Builder
PayPal PREPAID €2000

This PayPal card has a balance of 2000 euros. You can withdraw money from ATMs or make purchases in stores with it. The card is usually blocked approximately one and a half weeks after the first use. It was prepaid with 2000 euros obtained through illegal means, using carding. We will provide you with detailed instructions on how to use it safely. After purchasing the card, we do not deliver it physically but remotely link it to your smartphone for contactless payment in an NFC wallet. With your smartphone and NFC, you can withdraw money from ATMs that have NFC and make purchases in stores at POS terminals.

0.011 BTC

Mobirise Website Builder
PayPal PREPAID €2000

This PayPal card has a balance of 2000 euros. You can withdraw money from ATMs or make purchases in stores with it. The card is usually blocked approximately one and a half weeks after the first use. It was prepaid with 2000 euros obtained through illegal means, using carding. We will provide you with detailed instructions on how to use it safely. After purchasing the card, we do not deliver it physically but remotely link it to your smartphone for contactless payment in an NFC wallet. With your smartphone and NFC, you can withdraw money from ATMs that have NFC and make purchases in stores at POS terminals.

0.011 BTC

Video demonstration of PayPal cards
for the Europe.

We can always prove the availability of a large number of liquid cards, even through a video call.

PayPal Prepaid for Asia

Mobirise Website Builder
PayPal PREPAID $2000

These cards are specifically issued for Asia.
In any country, you will withdraw money in the local currency with conversion at the ATM bank's exchange rate. After purchasing the card, we do not deliver it physically but remotely link it to your smartphone for contactless payment in an NFC wallet. With your smartphone and NFC, you can withdraw money from ATMs that have NFC and make purchases in stores at POS terminals.

0.011 BTC

Mobirise Website Builder
PayPal PREPAID $2000

These cards are specifically issued for Asia.
In any country, you will withdraw money in the local currency with conversion at the ATM bank's exchange rate. After purchasing the card, we do not deliver it physically but remotely link it to your smartphone for contactless payment in an NFC wallet. With your smartphone and NFC, you can withdraw money from ATMs that have NFC and make purchases in stores at POS terminals.

0.011 BTC

Video demonstration of PayPal cards with a nominal balance of 2000 USD

We can always prove the availability of a large number of liquid cards, even through a video call.

Checking the balance of each card at an ATM.

We can always call you personally via a live video call.
And demonstrate the operation of our cards at any ATM.

PayPal Prepaid for USA and Canada.

Mobirise Website Builder
PayPal PREPAID  $2000

These cards work across the entire territory of the USA and other countries in the Americas. If there is a MasterCard sign on the ATM, the card will work, even in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, etc. However, each country has its own specifics and challenges. The card is illegally loaded with $2000 USD obtained through illegal means, using carding. After purchasing the card, we do not deliver it physically but remotely link it to your smartphone for contactless payment in an NFC wallet. With your smartphone and NFC, you can withdraw money from ATMs that have NFC and make purchases in stores at POS terminals.

0.011 BTC

Mobirise Website Builder
PayPal PREPAID $2000

These cards work across the entire territory of the USA and other countries in the Americas. If there is a MasterCard sign on the ATM, the card will work, even in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, etc. However, each country has its own specifics and challenges. The card is illegally loaded with $2000 USD obtained through illegal means, using carding. After purchasing the card, we do not deliver it physically but remotely link it to your smartphone for contactless payment in an NFC wallet. With your smartphone and NFC, you can withdraw money from ATMs that have NFC and make purchases in stores at POS terminals.

0.011 BTC

Do you have any Question

We can personally demonstrate our product to you via video call in any quantity. Let's be honest. In our field, the main thing is to prove that you are a genuine carder. Only a real carder can show liquid goods worth a couple of million dollars. Scammers don't have anything real, so they resort to deception. Comparing a real carder to a scammer is like comparing a general to a private.

It's impossible to make a lot of money through deception in this field. Why would a carder engage in an activity that brings in a hundred times less? It would be like the CEO of a large company wanting to work as a janitor.

Let me explain how I make money. For example, if I gain five clients, each buying two cards a week, that results in 40 sales per month. Doing nothing, like a subscription, those 40 sales are consistent. If these clients find their own runners or increase their card purchases to three each, that’s already 120 sales per month from just five clients. My goal is to ensure that all these clients are high quality and to add them gradually and carefully to maintain the system.

When I have 50 clients, that's 1200 sales per month under these conditions. And that’s a significant turnover. It seems like just 50 clients, right? This is why we involve people from different cities and countries each time to expand our reach, avoid concentrating activities in one place, and create chaos. This is where my interest and earnings lie—in the qualitative growth of serious clients.

However, if a client doesn't become regular, they bring almost nothing. The number of people making their first payment is significantly lower. These five clients will pay once a month, and you'll never hear from them again. And to find another five clients, you need to spend more on advertising than they'll pay you.

At first, people have a million doubts and questions. We don't have many followers anywhere, and we're not popular enough to earn millions from the masses like bloggers or traders. We are a niche business with an illegal offer, openly showing that we have real products.

Those scammers who supposedly sell copies of bank cards, especially not prepaid but debit or credit cards, are just scams. Anyone can buy a blank white card on AliExpress, write their card on the plastic, and present it as proof. We show all cards with initials, numbers, ATM receipts, balances—everything is liquid, varied, and real. As for dumps, we show all the tracks directly at the ATM, request ATM receipts, and you can compare the numbers with the dump. You can find all these videos on our Telegram channel -

We operate worldwide, building our client base from large areas to ensure extensive distribution and create chaos among random individuals. We do not deliver physical cards. However, anyone can use it with a smartphone. We will add the card to an NFC wallet, and you will be able to withdraw money from ATMs or make purchases with your phone. Instructions on this matter are provided below.
How will I receive the card? 

To answer your question, I need to explain how the entire structure works. Firstly, the biggest risk is borne by the suppliers. It's easier to incriminate them for the entire damage caused rather than implicate thousands of people worldwide. Let me give you a specific example: Albert Gonzalez. He stole data from 170 million credit cards! You can Google "Albert Gonzalez, stole 170 million credit cards" to read his story in the news.

In general, suppliers like him steal data in very large quantities. When Gonzalez stole 170 million cards, his main goal was to quickly sell this database in one day and get the money immediately. Firstly, such a database loses its liquidity over time and it's impossible to use it alone. Secondly, if one tries to use the entire database alone, they will leave many traces, and the police will quickly track down the supplier because the focus will be solely on them. Among a million transactions, the supplier will inevitably make a mistake, and it's impossible for one person to handle such a volume of carding anonymously.

Thirdly, the supplier spends 100% of their time obtaining data. They create phishing services, steal data, and constantly sell it to get immediate benefits. When they sell the database, they try to do it as anonymously as possible to avoid being traced because law enforcement agencies primarily hunt for suppliers. If they catch the supplier, carding stops, but implementers will always be there.

This is where our interests align with the suppliers'. When a supplier puts a database up for sale, tens of thousands of carders worldwide snap it up like hotcakes! They start running all this data through their established structures. Some buy electronics, some gaming currency, we buy various gift cards or prepaid cards with nominal balances, others use different methods to top up balances in other services or buy clothes, and such data is often used to pay for targeting.

When the police see that the database has been utilized globally and the data has spread across the internet, they won't chase after everyone. They are not fools. Imagine a police officer assigned to solve this problem.

If they ask their superior to allocate resources for an operational investigation into one of a thousand incidents, they might agree the first time. They will spend time tracking, traveling, and after a month, they might catch the first implementer. What can that person tell them? What information can they provide?

The website where they bought the data and the contacts. Okay. The question is, why catch the second implementer? The third? The fourth? Each time, they will have the same information – the website where they bought the data and the contacts. Catching implementers in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 to get the same information? It's nonsense.

Interpol receives hundreds of thousands of financial crime cases daily. They physically don't have the resources or desire to pursue such methods, which yield no results. Such an officer would simply be fired by their superior. Authorities act smarter and more efficiently. They infiltrate structures, plant informants, and create carding forums to gather everyone and collect information. They try to get an overview of the entire system, how it works, and who the main players are. Once they identify the key figures, they arrest them and incriminate them for the entire damage caused.

Here's an example of your role in this chain. Imagine a criminal who devised the perfect bank robbery plan. He does everything and runs out of the vault with a bag of money. As he runs through the streets, bundles of money fall from his bag. You, a random passerby, pick up one of these bundles and hide it.

The police will eventually track down this criminal and incriminate him for the entire damage caused. They will seize his assets, etc. Insurance companies will compensate the bank for everything.

And you will remain with your small bundle of money because the thief took all the responsibility.

That's essentially how our business works. We take the piece of the pie that is available and won't attract too much attention. To interest Interpol, you have to be more than just a distributor or a client. You need to have significance in the criminal world, be a major figure.

But I want to warn you. From the moment a person realizes that they don't bear as much legal responsibility as the supplier and remain unpunished for all illegal ATM withdrawals, they usually start to relax and make a lot of mistakes. In 99% of cases, when implementers in our field get into trouble, it's due to psychology, something they don't expect.

Let me explain. For example, someone starts telling their friends about what they do. Let's say our guy's name is Alex. Such information spreads quickly and can eventually reach unfamiliar people. For instance, a police officer or a local thug might hear that Alex is involved in something illegal related to carding. Although he has no investigation on this matter and is just hearing rumors from his acquaintances, he decides to make some money. He tracks Alex and stages a raid, making it look like the police are after him.

Our guy begins to think that the police have caught up with him. But that's not the case! These people start taking all his money, property, cars, and might force him to work for a percentage or even frame him and put him in jail, taking all the money for themselves.

This is where young guys get caught. Because they can't keep their mouths shut. Even most of our clients, when they see our offer, start consulting their friends, showing them our website. Later, when they start making money, all their friends already know where it came from, and the information starts to spread. So, if you want to work for a long time and stay out of trouble, no one should know what you do.

Even if you don't want to withdraw money from ATMs yourself and instead recruit runners for these tasks, they shouldn't be your acquaintances! They shouldn't know your identity, name, appearance, etc. If you remain incognito and no one in real life knows what you do, you can easily work for 20 or 30 years!

Psychology is the most challenging aspect of our work. The information should remain with you alone, period. There's no need to post all your purchases and suddenly changed lifestyle on Instagram, as it will raise many questions. And at a party, after a few drinks, you might inadvertently reveal your secret.

So, work with this from the beginning. Keep your mouth shut, and you will work long and safely for yourself. Everyone thinks about the law, but few consider the side effects of their loose tongue.

As you understand, every legal and official production has its defects. Any factory, any enterprise.

100% operability doesn't exist; it's a fantasy. We need to be realistic and understand that this is an illegal business. Our defect rate ranges from 5% to 20%. But don't worry, we have been working with our customer base for a long time and have learned from every possible mistake in this matter.

Firstly, our main goal is to make the client a regular customer. Therefore, we offer a guarantee on the first card. If the card is blocked within the guaranteed week of operation after the first transaction, show us a photo of the ATM receipt and we will deliver a new card, provided it hasn't been more than a week since you received it.

However, I will not provide any guarantees for subsequent orders. There's no point in guaranteeing the operability of every single card. The most important thing for both of us is to ensure our cooperation is profitable and mutually beneficial.

There is always a risk, everywhere and every time. Even in a legitimate business, you can fail if you misallocate funds or use the wrong strategies. I will explain how to work with me to avoid most of the risks associated with blocked cards.

For example, if you buy one card from us, make sure everything works. Don't order 20-30 cards at once for your second order. You will be using your own money, and what if something unexpected happens? What if the entire batch is blocked? At the beginning of my business, I faced such a problem and found a solution.

I never sell a client 20-30 cards from one batch. I allocate 5 cards from different batches to make up the required number. Thus, if I combine 6 different batches into 30 cards, in the event of a block on one batch, the remaining 5 batches (25 cards) will still generate income for you. The chance of all batches being blocked simultaneously is extremely low. Although there is no 100% certainty, nothing in life is 100% certain. So, I will explain how you can protect yourself in this case. To avoid losses, you need to work only with earned money.

For example, after buying the first card, you buy two cards for the next order, then four cards, gradually accumulating your capital. When you have a sufficient amount, you can allocate a certain percentage each week. This way, even if an unexpected event occurs and a block happens, you will still be in profit over time.

Let's illustrate with a clear example:

There are Alex and Mark.

Alex had 15,000 USDT earned from working with us and decided to buy 20 cards with all his money. On the other hand, Mark, also with 15,000 USDT, buys 5 cards a week, spreading his 15,000 USDT over 4 weeks. If one week sees a block, the other three weeks will easily compensate for his loss, ensuring he stays in profit over time.

Meanwhile, Alex could get blocked and end up with nothing because he didn't manage his budget wisely. After the first order payment, I provide a detailed briefing to each client on how to work correctly with me. This ensures that my system works perfectly and you don't encounter any issues, making our cooperation beneficial for everyone.

If one side stops benefiting, no business will work like that. There is no trust; there's only business. No one will work at a loss, neither you nor I. So, we need to be realistic and understand that all processes must be well thought out.

Additionally, I provide each client with comprehensive training on implementing cards at ATMs, security, and money laundering. ATMs remember the serial numbers of the bills they dispense, so you cannot deposit this cash into your accounts the same day. Of course, I will provide my personal contacts for a private Jabber server and teach you how to use it to conduct business anonymously with us.

To place an order and start the training, contact me on Telegram:

As you understand, each card has its own BIN, which indicates a specific type of card. This is the first 6 digits of the card number. If cards are of the same type, they have the same BIN, and in case of its widespread use, payment gateways start blocking it.

Of course, if I had only 5-10 cards, I could use them for purchases, but this solution won't work on a regular basis. If I use 50-100 cards a day, they will simply start being declined.

This is precisely why there are few options for exchanging PayPal to cryptocurrency manually. There is an exchanger where a person receives a transfer to their PayPal account and then transfers the money to the client's cryptocurrency wallet. This solution also doesn't work on a large scale. Even if I send money from different PayPal accounts, the recipient will still be the same.

When this recipient starts receiving many suspicious transfers, their account will be blocked, and further exchanges will become impossible.

The only solution that works consistently is ATMs. Since they are fully automated and do not check BINs, there are many of them in every city and country. It is easy to use PayPal cards with them. Every day you can use a different ATM for each card. The most important thing is that these cards are not linked to online banking. They are disposable and cannot be reloaded. A prepaid card with a nominal balance is issued with stored value on the MasterCard server, and blocking it manually takes a lot of time. We didn’t steal it, we just illegally topped it up. Bureaucracy delays this process from one to two weeks, and you can withdraw money from ATMs many times because an ATM is not a payment gateway; it automatically dispenses cash from the server by connecting directly to MasterCard. After placing the order, we provide you with all the card data and teach you how to link it to any NFC wallet, so you can withdraw money from an ATM contactlessly using NFC.

When this involves many people from thousands of cities, it works perfectly and creates the necessary chaos for mass use.


We operate worldwide.

We operate worldwide, building our client base from large areas to ensure extensive distribution and create chaos among random individuals. We do not deliver physical cards. However, anyone can use it with a smartphone. We will add the card to an NFC wallet, and you will be able to withdraw money from ATMs or make purchases with your phone. Instructions on this matter are provided below.


How will I receive the card?
Mobirise Website Builder

We add the card to your NFC Wallet on your smartphone.

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Then you find an ATM with an NFC mark.

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And withdraw money from it using the card contactlessly through your smartphone.

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We are on the forum.
Click the link to go to the forum with our service.
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Telegram chat with me.
Notorious Carders and Their Biographies

Albert Gonzalez - Carder:

You can read his biography and understand why today no one uses common platforms and everyone tries to create their own anonymous service. You never know who actually owns these platforms. By reading his biography and the story of ShadowCrew, you will understand everything; the link is above.

The next carder is Roman Seleznev:

Only by studying the biographies of these people will you understand why the world works differently today, because we learn from their mistakes. Reading all these biographies and stories, you realize how easy it is for us to get caught.

And the main thing is anonymity. Do not tell your friends or acquaintances. So that no one knows your name and identity. Of course, the full burden of responsibility falls on people like those in these articles.
You won’t find the hundreds of thousands of people who bought and resold their goods in the news. But the suppliers are always there. It’s because of them that all this happens. Our task is to steal and quickly sell. Your task is to create chaos and distribute it worldwide.
And we maximize our security.

Contact us.

Please indicate how to contact you. If you would like to suggest another method of communication, describe it in the message and provide the contact information where to write.

Demonstration of our carding activities, showing dumps, i.e., copies of bank cards with large balances and more.

Balances over 100 thousand dollars.

We can always call you personally via a live video call.
And demonstrate the operation of our copies at any ATM.

A balance of 130 thousand dollars.

We can always call you personally via a live video call.
And demonstrate the operation of our copies at any ATM.

A balance of 90 thousand dollars.

We can always call you personally via a live video call.
And demonstrate the operation of our copies at any ATM.

Cash out dumps

We can always call you personally via a live video call.
And demonstrate the operation of our copies at any ATM.

Balances of prepaid cards are $2000 each

We can always call you personally via a live video call.
And demonstrate the operation of our cards at any ATM.

Balances of copies on screen and receipt.

We can always call you personally via a live video call.
And demonstrate the operation of our copies at any ATM.
Mobirise Website Builder
POS DUMP $10 000

This copy is exclusively designed for shopping. You can make purchases in any store, whether it's buying clothes in boutiques, watches and jewelry in jewelry stores, or electronic gadgets. Using POS terminals, the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
However, I do not advise using your POS terminals for a company registered under a false identity. You will still need to withdraw this money from the company, which involves additional expenses. The main issue is that your company account will be quickly blocked, and there is no guarantee that you will be able to withdraw the funds from the company, as it involves a stolen card.

0,043 BTC

Mobirise Website Builder
POS DUMP $50 000

This copy is exclusively designed for shopping. You can make purchases in any store, whether it's buying clothes in boutiques, watches and jewelry in jewelry stores, or electronic gadgets. Using POS terminals, the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
However, I do not advise using your POS terminals for a company registered under a false identity. You will still need to withdraw this money from the company, which involves additional expenses. The main issue is that your company account will be quickly blocked, and there is no guarantee that you will be able to withdraw the funds from the company, as it involves a stolen card.

0.215 BTC

PayPal Prepaid for UK.

Mobirise Website Builder
PayPal PREPAID £ 2000

This PayPal card has a balance of 2000 pounds sterling. You can withdraw money from ATMs or make purchases in stores with it. The card is usually blocked approximately one and a half weeks after the first use. It was prepaid with 2000 pounds sterling obtained through illegal means, using carding. After purchasing the card, we do not deliver it physically but remotely link it to your smartphone for contactless payment in an NFC wallet. With your smartphone and NFC, you can withdraw money from ATMs that have NFC and make purchases in stores at POS terminals.

0.011 BTC

Mobirise Website Builder
PayPal PREPAID £ 2000

This PayPal card has a balance of 2000 pounds sterling. You can withdraw money from ATMs or make purchases in stores with it. The card is usually blocked approximately one and a half weeks after the first use. It was prepaid with 2000 pounds sterling obtained through illegal means, using carding. After purchasing the card, we do not deliver it physically but remotely link it to your smartphone for contactless payment in an NFC wallet. With your smartphone and NFC, you can withdraw money from ATMs that have NFC and make purchases in stores at POS terminals.

0.011 BTC

Video demonstration of PayPal cards
for the United Kingdom.

We can always prove the availability of a large number of liquid cards, even through a video call.

Latex masks
A solution for disguise

These masks are very suitable for applying additional disguise.
Glasses, caps, and more, detailed in the video.
The catalog of card copies is below.

Personal Account

In your personal account, you will be able to receive your orders, paying for data to be recorded. To get a password for access to your personal account, you need to become our client and undergo training, where we will explain everything to you and help with anonymity.



Prepaid PayPal cards
Loaded by carding
Cards for all continents
A genuine service with a reputation